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For many babies, the most common skincare product used on them is a nappy cream. Melvory Skincare’s Baby Bum Balm uses 100% natural nourishing Organic Ingredients to soothe the delicate skin in the diaper area, keeping baby’s bottom soft and protected from redness.

How to use: Apply onto baby’s bottom after every diaper change.

This balm is also effective for cradle cap. Apply a small amount onto baby’s scalp 1-2 hours before bath time. The balm softens the scales and can be removed gently in the bath using a wet wash cloth.



 Jojoba Oil


Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil contains protein, minerals and a waxy substance that mimics collagen, is not greasy and absorbs easily into the skin. It also contains vitamin A, D and E which are great for skin.

Sunflower Oil

Sunflower oil

Sun flower oil helps maintain the skin barrier and decrease trans-epidermal water loss. It is rich in vitamin A & E and is hypoallergenic.



Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Butter

The occlusive nature of cocoa butter reduces the amount of water loss from our skin and protects it from harsh and drying elements.

 Shea Nut Butter Organic

Shea Butter
Often used to remedy dry skin and to help protect the skin’s natural oils. With long term use, many people report skin softening and strengthening as well as wrinkle reduction.


 Natural Nappy Cream for Cloth Nappies Australia 
Coconut Oil
A rich emollient that keeps skin smooth and protect it against cracking from dryness.


Full Ingredient List: Organic jojoba oil, Organic sunflower oil, Organic coconut oil, Organic shea butter, Organic cocoa butter, Organic beeswax, Organic camellia oil, Natural Vitamin E, Organic rosemary extract




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사용평은 상품구매후 [구매확인] 시에만 작성할 수 있습니다.
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