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멜보리 오가닉 햄프 시드 버터 100ml 호주 오가닉 아기 스킨케어 브랜드 : 멜보리
판매가격 23,900원23,900원
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호주 오가닉 스킨케어 멜보리에서 만든 

햄프 시드 버터 입니다. 

햄프시드, 오가닉 비타민 E, 포도씨유, 코코아버터, 시아버터, 로즈힙 오일, 코코넛 오일이 들어가있습니다. 

아이부터 어른까지 다 사용가능한 젠틀한 오가닉 스킨케어입니다. 


건조한 피부에 적합한 버터로 

하루에 한두번 문질러 발라주시고 많이 건조하시다면 3-5번 정도 

발라주시면 됩니다. 


A Protective Butter for Dry & Rough Patches (100mL)

Beautiful, rich and luxuriously thick. It is a fantastic head to toe moisturiser designed especially to help with the dry, flaky skin of overworked hands and cracked heels.

Suitable for babies and adults.

A great choice for young families who prefer a natural cream to moisturise extremely dry patches on skin. Very gentle ingredients, no preservatives, fragrances or essential oils. See before/after photos in the testimonials section.

Texture: Thick Whipped Butter
Smells like: Melted chocolate (from the raw cocoa butter)

How to use: When skin is awfully dry and uncomfortable, apply 3-5 times during the day. For maintenance of happy skin, apply 1-2 times a day. Best results when applied immediately onto skin after a bath.

 *This product is handmade with love in small batches. We apologise when they are sold out but we will update the listing as soon as a new batch is ready.



Hemp Butter Melvory for Eczema

Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp Seed Oil has an essential fatty acid profile that resembles our skin’s lipids very closely and is used to soothe dry and cracked skin. It is an effective moisturiser that does not clog pores and promotes healthier looking skin.

Vitamin E 

Natural Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a much needed nutrient to the skin as it is helpful for many skin conditions, keeping skin beautiful and soft.

Hemp Butter Eczema Melvory Australia

Grapeseed Oil

Rich in anti-oxidants, this lightweight oil has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can mitigate the symptoms of dry and irritated skin.


 Cocoa Butter Organic

Cocoa Butter
The Vitamin E, oleic acid and strearic acid found in cocoa butter offers skin softening benefits and increases flexibility of our skin. The occlusive nature of cocoa butter reduces the amount of water loss from our skin and protects it from harsh and drying elements.

 Shea Butter Organic  

Shea Butter
The high concentration of natural vitamins and fatty acids in Shea butter makes it incredibly nourishing and moisturising for our skin. It is often used to remedy dry skin and to help protect the skin’s natural oils. 

Hemp Seed Butter Melvory for Eczema Made in Australia
Rosehip Oil

Rosehip oil penetrates your skin and is easily absorbed, delivering soothing, protective elements such as fatty acids and vitamin E, which can help repair damaged skin. 

Natural Eczema Cream for baby Australia 

Coconut Oil
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is an amazing emollient that nourishes while deeply hydrating your skin. It is very rich in vitamin E which is vital to keep skin smooth and protect it against cracking from dryness.


Full Ingredient List: Organic shea butter, Organic beeswax, Organic coconut oil, Organic hemp seed oil, Organic cocoa butter, Organic grapeseed oil, Organic sunflower oil, Organic rosehip oil, Natural Vitamin E, Organic rosemary extract.


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